28 February 2007


First Blood!!!!, :( 2006

27 February 2007


In no 'particular' order:

  1. JT implied I wouldn't kick ass in Jeopardy.
  2. I'm pretty funny sarcastic.
  3. I'm ultra 'mildly' competitive at Monopoly board games.
  4. I like having home cooked meals.
  5. I can could watch sports all day.
  6. I read about a book or two a month.
  7. I can't beat box really well.
  8. My closet The bedroom door must be completely closed before I go to bed.
  9. I've read every Sherlock Holmes Brookmyre story printed.
  10. I think Number 9 is an extension sign of my childhood love of Encyclopedia Brown 'compassionate' side.
  11. I used was taught to breakdance and pop. I can still pop look forward to dancing with JT.
  12. I hate don't like other people's feet pinkie toes. They gross me out.
  13. I've hacked written defenses before.
  14. I'm a really good talented slacker at work but I get more done than most.
  15. Maybe Number 14 means I'm just working with people who aren't efficient.
  16. I still sometimes cry because I miss my dad beautiful.
  17. I yell a lot when I coach basketball watch soccer.
  18. I scribble down my thoughts all the time and yet very few of them make it to my our blog.
  19. I'm a phone music geek.
  20. I don't kinda worry a whole lot about tomorrow. I like today but tomorrow is on my mind.
  21. If I'm stressed pissed, everyone should be stressed because I don't stress out burn out a lot.
  22. I was got pulled over driving to home from work one day, at 100 mph.
  23. I've only gotten my nudged a motorcycle up to 90 mph because I'm too scared to go any faster.
  24. I close my eyes touch my neck when I think and when I'm mad.
  25. I don't close my eyes see very well when I'm thinking about something that made me mad.
  26. I believe if I were 6'4" I would let JT take over the world.
  27. I'm often told that complimented on my voice accent, which has once resulted in me being is commanding, authoritative, confident, and mean.
  28. I'm a terrible singer but I love to sing impersonate an animal of sorts, dying, slowly.
  29. I like pressure.
  30. At times I imagine that it's me against the world. It's really motivating and gives me something to complain about when I'm bored.
  31. I'm trying to lose losing weight.
  32. I don't want to be a fat dad my kid(s) to call me 'obese'.
  33. My brother and I are the same person related, but he's nicer hairier.
  34. I hate when people drive slow in the fast lane where its not necessary.
  35. I have come off as condescending to some people...but what do they know?
  36. I've been told I'm kind of snobby proper.
  37. I'm not snobby, I'm just better (said tongue in cheek) or worse.
  38. I don't believe in predestination or luck miracles.
  39. I believe there is in aliens and Sasquatch extra terrestrial life.
  40. I'm not scared of being alone. I'm more scared of being lonely.
  41. I would have never thought that I would be engaged to my 8th grade sweetheart 20 years later an American.
  42. Number 41 She still amazes me to this day.
  43. I plan on writing a series of books one day. I'll JT will pen it under a pseudonym the good bits.
  44. I don't ever want to be famous. I just want to be able to afford our dreams and a fast cars.
  45. I would love to hang out with Shaquille O'Neal Kevin Bacon and Janine Garrafalo Susan Sarrandon at the same time.
  46. I have no heroes.
  47. Every TV show I've really liked has promptly been canceled within a season or two, also every line of yogurt I like gets cancelled.
  48. My co-workers think they know me but they only know what I let them see. It's great for banking work favors.
  49. I will expect the most from my children but sometimes I'm afraid I will push them too hard.
  50. Girl on girl sex doesn't appeal to me like it doesn't does to most men... Neither does porn or nude magazines.
  51. I look forward to marrying D JT. Immensely.
  52. I wish I could be a high school teacher designer or a lawyer maybe, Batman for a day. I'd also like a day tearing around town in a fire truck with the sirens on.
  53. I have no faith in our court systems modern 'justice' and believe society would be well served to re-introduce the death penalty.
  54. I could write re-hash another list of things random things into a list of random things about me in about 10 minutes.

Petals: She Brightens The Week...

Paired, BD 2006 [REVISION]

She has ever been my light...

26 February 2007

I Miss Her, Much More So, Lately...

Lifting her up and filling myself till I was full, not knowing what it is she's got that caught me, like it was the summer in her. She is all my visions, entwined with one another. We ramble together, walk the lanes and the parks - she said it doesn't matter as long as, as two we're together and if there was ever to be a blessing in the air it was right there. She's a vision for the world to see...

If the afterlife is what you leave behind, we're going to leave a lot of footprints, we're going to take a lot of time.

25 February 2007

Aux (Thoughts)...

Complement, Uncredited 2006

I Can't Remember Posting Anything That Began With A Z...

Can you cling like a soul on a life? Can you cut, like the blade of a knife? Can you sink to the depth of a dam? I feel so cold, I lost my tact, I'd be better off with a heart attack...

No Returns...

Sometimes Not Even A Number, BD 2006 [REVISION]

24 February 2007


You know why you don't feel anything when you kick 'nothing', because at that moment you have no connection to nothing - there is just air without worth and without meaning.

My Beautiful (I Just Looked At Her Today Continued)...

I'm just trying to get through, to you. I'm just hoping to break on through, to you...

...and I was reminded she is the most beautiful thing that I look at.

She has a little face, with a little mouth it has a nice curve to it - how she pouts gives me a little side smile. She has a short nose, which has a graceful curve to its tip, lately I've thought of those days I kissed it. Her cheeks are flat, until she smiles; when her eyes light up her soft cheeks are full. I lose control of my smiles when that happens.

When I look at her, I see her eyes, those big addictive pools of green - when she reads I follow the slivers of white back and fore and when she looks off into the distance thinking of everything and nothing I can think of my own daydream for that stare. My daydreams usually involve waking up with the shine of the morning sunshine reflecting on those irises...

Her ears are small elegant devices, when she listens intently; how cute she is, even when she gets frustrated with her work (or more likely me) and the scowl sets in, if you could call it that. How her hair sits, when she ties it back and exposes her soft brow the little girl in her is so easy to see. When she wears it down, 'another look' strikes me.

I've been thinking of how I touched her face and her hair, at the time I hope I made my point better.

The lines are clear, maybe my point maybe got blurred - you can tell by her lips, she's nice to kiss, but by her eyes you know she's the best to talk to...


Untitled, Uncredited 2006

23 February 2007

Everyone Says She's Lazy, But They're Crazy She's A Winner...

Evolutionists cannot point to any transitional fossils - creatures that are half reptile and half bird, for instance.

Actually, paleontologists know of many detailed examples of fossils intermediate in form between various taxonomic groups. One of the most famous fossils of all time is Archaeopteryx, which combines feathers and skeletal structures peculiar to birds with features of dinosaurs. A flock's worth of other feathered fossil species, some more avian and some less, has also been found. A sequence of fossils spans the evolution of modern horses from the tiny Eohippus. Whales had four-legged ancestors that walked on land, and creatures known as Ambulocetus and Rodhocetus helped to make that transition. Fossil seashells trace the evolution of various mollusks through millions of years. Perhaps 20 or more hominids fill the gap between Lucy the australopithecine and the modern human.

Creationists, though, dismiss these fossil studies. They argue that Archaeopteryx is not a missing link between reptiles and birds, it is just an extinct bird with reptilian features. They want evolutionists to produce a weird, chimeric monster that cannot be classified as belonging to any known group. Even if a creationist does accept a fossil as transitional between two species. These frustrating requests can proceed ad infinitum and place an unreasonable burden on the always incomplete fossil record.

Nevertheless, evolutionists can cite further supportive evidence from molecular biology. All organisms share most of the same genes, but as evolution predicts, the structures of these genes and their products diverge among species, in keeping with their evolutionary relationships. Geneticists speak of the molecular clock that records the passage of time. These molecular data also show how various organisms are transitional within evolution.

Hello Kitty Or Pingu (No Contest)...

22 February 2007


I think the world has gone insane. Is it just me, or is life so damn busy that it's hard to find time to breathe and the important things about life get scheduled into odd minutes when you're too tired to do what needs to be done, or what you want to do, and do it right? (whew!)

I can't stand it and I have a hard time finding the balance, either I'm over worked and relationship starved, or relationship sated and falling behind in my work.

Nice Things About B: He Spoils Me

I feel guilty about it sometimes, how he always gives to me even when I'm selfish, how he is nice even when I'm in a bad mood, how he always loves me and thinks I'm beautiful (on the inside) even when I feel ugly (on the inside). I think I push the line sometimes because I'm trying to burst my own bubble (subconsciously). I've never been around someone so focused and patient and I find it to be more comforting than I thought it could be, because I never thought it would be...

Odd One (Repeated)...

If you could recommend only one film, book and album what would they be?

21 February 2007

Petals: (All) Around Me...

Spheric, Uncredited 2007

The Day Had Gone And I Hadn't Begun...

Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created.

This blanket dismissal of evolution ignores important distinctions that divide the field into at least two broad areas: microevolution and macroevolution. Microevolution looks at changes within species over time, changes that may be preludes to speciation; the origin of new species. Macroevolution studies how taxonomic groups above the level of species change. Its evidence draws frequently from the fossil record and DNA comparisons to reconstruct how various organisms may be related.

These days even most creationists acknowledge that microevolution has been upheld by tests in the laboratory as in studies of cells, plants, fruit flies (JT says) and in the field. Natural selection and other mechanisms such as chromosomal changes, symbiosis and hybridization can drive profound changes in populations over time.

The historical nature of macroevolutionary study involves inference from fossils and DNA rather than direct observation. Yet in the historical sciences (which include astronomy, geology and archaeology, as well as evolutionary biology), hypotheses can still be tested by checking whether they accord with physical evidence and whether they lead to verifiable predictions about future discoveries. Evolutionary biology routinely makes predictions far more refined and precise than this, and researchers test them constantly.

Evolution could be disproved in other ways, too. If we could document the spontaneous generation of just one complex life-form from inanimate matter, then at least a few creatures seen in the fossil record might have originated this way.

It should be noted that the idea of falsifiability as the defining characteristic of science originated with philosopher Karl Popper in the thirties. More recent elaborations on his thinking have expanded the narrowest interpretation of his principle precisely because it would eliminate too many branches of clearly scientific endeavor.

Less Than The Hoi Polloi...

Tarot Back, KJ 1999

20 February 2007

I Hear You Are Getting Into Zen And You Have A Buddhist Friend...

Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.

Many people learned in school that a theory falls in the middle of a hierarchy of certainty - above a mere hypothesis but below a law. Scientists do not use the terms that way, however. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. No amount of validation changes a theory into a law, which is a descriptive generalisation about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter, they are not expressing reservations about its truth.

In addition to the theory of evolution, meaning the idea of descent with modification, one may also speak of the fact of evolution. A fact could be defined as an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and for all practical purposes is accepted as true. The fossil record and abundant other evidence testify that organisms have evolved through time. Although no one observed those transformations, the indirect evidence is clear, unambiguous and compelling.

All sciences frequently rely on indirect evidence. Physicists cannot see subatomic particles directly, for instance, so they verify their existence by watching for telltale tracks that the particles leave in cloud chambers. The absence of direct observation does not make physicists' conclusions less certain.

In Combination, Of Conversations, My Feelings Still Remain...

Souvenir, BD 2006 [REVISION]

Occupy Or Ache...

Walking through the parking lot, with sun in site. My back to the dark, thinking about your hand in mine and how we climbed over the wire fences. You said you could feel inside my senses, why didn't you say something about me that day? I keep thinking about us, forgetting the world and its pretence. This house we're in, the memories of memoires and the over crowded land fills. Its time for a chemical inhalation, lets call it medication...

19 February 2007

Just Another Day

Day to Day, JT February 2006

Electronica Or Ambient...

Should've stayed home yesterday. Words can't describe, the feeling or whats inside. It's eight fifteen, the time its always been. There was a message on the radio just to let you know. That kiss you gave, its never ever going to fade away...

Designed Or Evolved...

Nautilus, Uncredited 2005

Things That Mystify Me: Married Singles...

Lately JT and I have been speaking a lot about our plans, our future and our dreams (we've posted some of them).

We want to do things together, work together, learn together, laugh together, grow together. The sum of our days will involve each other and focus on our interactions.

However, we are, I particularly; am surrounded by people who have found themselves married and engage in activities just to get away from their spouse. Whether it be going to the pub, windsurfing or tinkering under the bonnet (hood) of a car. Why? What's the benefit? It mystifies me...

(Maybe I'm just the idealistic sort or more likely I have found a better mate than they, the perfect mate who can marry to me in all respects.)

18 February 2007

Petals: Layers...

Labours, Uncredited 2007

Fact Or Fluff...

The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, that what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a social group or a home.

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change the past... we cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play the one string we have and that is 'our' attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are all in charge of our attitudes!
- Charles Swindoll / Attitude

She Is My Hot Hot...

Basic Needs, BD 2007 [REVISION]

17 February 2007

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I haven't seen my husband since last week since he was traveling for business and since he got home he's had a lot of catching up to do and I've been taking care of the kids so we have an appointment to talk tomorrow afternoon..

Colour In Leaves...

Color In Leaves, DDOI 2006

A Number (Or Equivalent)...

Just, BD et al 2007


Centre stage, mixed views haven't slept in, forever. Draw the moon, drag it back to the mirror. Left, blinding light, lose that nervous twitch and hit first in your last fight. Park it, ignore the speech, waiting for a chance to prove them all wrong...

16 February 2007

Moments: Fights

When we sit in silence I don’t know why it’s so hard to do what needs to be done. I don’t think it’s pride or even stubbornness. I think it’s some kind of shock, the kind that freezes you up... bracing for the impact...

Maybe there is nothing to be done but if you stop being you, the you that I know, then we stop being us, the us that we know. And we if we bury ourselves won’t it just be all shades of grey after that?

It would make us like everyone else...

Dreams: Cars

14 February 2007

Nice Things About B: Friendship

Sometimes the best part of friendship is not being helped, but being able to help. Knowing that you can be there for someone and you can actually make a positive difference for them. Our friendship is one of the best parts of us.

Petals: Of All The Bars In All The Towns...

Shade In Shade, BD 2006 [REVISION]

My eyes always look for yours...


I can't see it destroyed, I won't let anything burn it. Love, have a decoy, does it matter if I sometimes give in easy? And why, is it so hard, to get by? I say - we stand up, cause its now or never. I don't know if I could mind this lasting forever, I want to seize your time for mine. Let's grow old together and live by the ocean, till the time we don't come home at all. We'll make it an institution...

Petals: Her Shades Lay Across My Life...

Shade #n, BD 2007 [REVISION]

She reminds me, when I need it and when I don't she is my yellow...

13 February 2007

Once Upon a Number...

Stories not only provide context for statistical statements but can illustrate and vivify them as well... - John Allen Paulos

We're Talking Weeks...

Flight: Garden Path, JT / BD 2006

11 February 2007

I Just Looked At Her Today...

...and it was the most beautiful thing just looking back at me. (Probably thinking 'he looks rough'...)

Comfort Column Reminder (Candlelight: Outwith Continued)...

Against The Darker, BD 2007

Climb Or Glide...

Look round the corners, lean on one giving the other. Try to recover. Climb up the ladder, blind as one another trying to discover. Find light in city, you pulled the lever. Fly together, we're the leader. Finder and keepers, find me and keep us, come on stick together...

Leaves: Thumbed...

Leaves Pt. IV, BD 2006

The print remains and is well worth the read and re-read...

The Quick Wit Remains...

Why is the world full of idiots?

...birth control should be free.

Candlelight: Outwith...

Against The Dark, BD 2007

Dreams: Home Improvement...

She rolls the paint and I get stuck with doing the edges, she finishes first and tells me to hurry up, I up the pace and she tells me to do it properly, I take care and she watches me intently. When I finish and step back to admire our efforts I see she has missed a spot, she shouts at me to go do something useful - make the coffee. But we get there, laughs on the way and it's a job well done...

10 February 2007

Leaves: Feature...

Leaves Pt. III, BD 2006

Naturally. The cover story...

Google Or Yahoo...

I'm not sure what happened today, lately I have been beaten and eaten. I could be wrong I could be right, but I'm down to my second skin. I fight against the one person keeping me from the edge, she walks me away, talks me away, locks me away. When the hour comes my hand wants you. My venom is reaching Setcon 2 yet my love is burning bright. They bump into one another - I'm sorry. Anger is an energy? If you want what I want, that special something new, chasing those dreams I'm coming...

07 February 2007

Passing The Buck...

Media, Karmarama 2007

06 February 2007

Go Or Start...

When the rain comes down it'll make no noise. Watch it dance it's way down, it makes no noise. From across a distance they hold a darkness in line, soak the ground as petals don't release. They seize 'this is mine'. In the cycles, it's the way things work - we live, with thoughts. Going on in mind, always and no ways.

Relationship (1:1 Or n:n)...

Complement, Colorcodes 2007

03 February 2007

Today Is The Third...

Through the darkest days. She stroked my heart, in volume. A will to give, I fell asleep just as we were shown the blood of summers sown. Affixation in a dream of red before I even seen it. With no great rush, to find this change shouts things said some time ago - in our beginnings - wishing to be happy.

A Modern Design Classic #1...

War Or Fear...

More than settled. I'm crying to remember. Just trying. I was feeling so alone, so alone you see. I know and I know what we have here, we have the best thing going on. When we have control, we shouldn't let it go. Why can't everyone live out happily in the laughter? We could stay happy, don't let this fall to pieces now. Heaven knows we make mistakes, like you know I care and I'm shaking but who decides what can make it? Everything we have?


Well that was never going to fucking work was it...

02 February 2007

What Is Worse Than...

...someone in your office trying to tell you Metallica are a great band? Since, just hearing them puts that argument to bed.

Leaves: The Top Pages...

Leaves Pt. II, BD 2006

Sparks of warmth and passion were in more than the only words...

Quip 4...

What's brown and sounds like a bell?


01 February 2007

Car Crash Or Traffic Jam...

I really want you
And I'm out on a limb
Cause the stars have got you
You've got stars
In your eyes
Can I be a part of it
You've got stars in your eyes
You've got stars with you
I'll never want to be apart from it
- Shed Seven / Stars

Leaves: The Early Pages...

Leaves Pt. I, BD 2006

She quickly showed me my yellows as I flicked through the first few...