04 November 2007


It's getting late between that irritating one million year old blond presenter on Sixty Minutes, the New England Patriots, David Byrne and the startling fact that I've managed to do very little today I feel encouraged that things are levelling out.

If everyone could just listen to the words I say? Selective hearing is a problem with a dog, what would it be called when attributed to a person?

Watch out! You might get what you're after, yeah - then what?

I'm going to miss seeing George dubble-yuh on the TV, no matter what people say about him that face makes me laugh. Kinda like the Dawn Plus advert: JT must think that's how it works in our house. (You'll need to have some memory of seeing the mentioned commercial and a partner with serious resilience to washing dishes to appreciate this humour.)

And already, I want to see some harm come to those "dating goths" just to see where their METAL is. Also, that new Radiohead album, doesn't sound too much like Radiohead; it's pretty good.

NB. And no, it's miles and miles away from where I started...


Blogger poody said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I haer ya bout the banality if Sunday night. I did however record The new Amazing Race and it is probably not right because of the football game that ran over!


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