Hi! I enjoyed reading your blog. I'll have to come back for a lengthier visit.
I really enjoyed the beauty and serenity of your photos and poetry. The autobiographical nature of the work, and yet the humor in it as well. The Two Ronnies joke was really unexpected, of all things to stumble onto Barker and Corbett on your photoblog was much unexpected, outdoing many of the things on my own ostensibly comedy blog. I also liked the post with the Edward Scissorhands photo. Cutting edge stuff, eh?
If you have a chance, come visit mine. I've been blogging for almost two years now and am nearing 500 posts. But I am still learning. Please make a comment if you visit. Helpful suggestions are always welcome - and favorite jokes. If I like them I will post them and attribute them to you with your blog listing. Hey, its a way to get more notice, right?
I've also given you a thumbs up on Stumble, a service for rating blogs.
All the best.
Peter, Chief Editor and Spellwrecker, The Peter Files Blog of Comedy, Satire, Jokes, and Commentary
Hi! I enjoyed reading your blog. I'll have to come back for a lengthier visit.
I really enjoyed the beauty and serenity of your photos and poetry. The autobiographical nature of the work, and yet the humor in it as well.
The Two Ronnies joke was really unexpected, of all things to stumble onto Barker and Corbett on your photoblog was much unexpected, outdoing many of the things on my own ostensibly comedy blog. I also liked the post with the Edward Scissorhands photo. Cutting edge stuff, eh?
If you have a chance, come visit mine. I've been blogging for almost two years now and am nearing 500 posts. But I am still learning. Please make a comment if you visit. Helpful suggestions are always welcome - and favorite jokes. If I like them I will post them and attribute them to you with your blog listing. Hey, its a way to get more notice, right?
I've also given you a thumbs up on Stumble, a service for rating blogs.
All the best.
Peter, Chief Editor and Spellwrecker,
The Peter Files Blog of Comedy, Satire, Jokes, and Commentary
A body of no surface but all feeling. Maybe thats why when we're submerged its like dreaming...
Metaphors about the sea are very cliche, this one is nice but its still cliche.
all of our symbols are cliche maybe... but they have special meaning to us.
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