Some things fall apart
Some things make you whole
Some things that you find
Are beyond your control
I love you and you're beautiful
Lets write our own songs
If I could kiss you now
I'd kiss you again and again
Till the line don't know where I begin
And where you end
Where you end, is where I begin
And as I end you begin
Some things make you whole
Some things that you find
Are beyond your control
I love you and you're beautiful
Lets write our own songs
If I could kiss you now
I'd kiss you again and again
Till the line don't know where I begin
And where you end
Where you end, is where I begin
And as I end you begin
you were a circus animal in a previous life ?
Just as well, you'd not be able to teach me how to obey...
You call that obedience... ?!
I'm a'jumpin'...
quite a sight...
As pretty as my shuffle?
nothing is as pretty as your shuffle. xx
You don't like my jumping? How can I improve...
stop calling me nasty wifey.
Changes the subject...
refusing the hoop
I feel you
When we share a crowded room
As we cross the avenue
I hope you take me on every ride
Our red
Fills my head
I can only see you
Can you see me too
Even in my wildest dreams
I can hear you breath
I pray for you
With words and a silence
I know you hear it too
Bayi - True love is timeless, but nothing can be liberated in infinity...
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