26 October 2006


Avenues all lined with trees
Eden's garden was left for thieves
I looked upon an empty stage
Where all the young men once played
In roads leading on and on
Filled with strangers every one
The lift arrived and is here to stay
Glanced stares turn their heads away
Buildings torn down to the ground
Replaced by new ones thought with more sound
And as torches glow through the night
A sacrifice for what is that is right
A lifetime of soldiers hanging from trees
By their necks the typecast
Forgotten young saviours
Lost by their own grace and favours
Hinder the paths of old loves
Photographs become more than labours
Representation of a debt
Bullion engraved with the fatherless
Before the crying stopped
Choirs echoed then eulogy read
Traced memories dead


Blogger BD said...

They were shaken from a light sleep
Numb and scarcely awake stuck in a sunken trench
Allocated three hours watch to take
Pondering through the splashing grey and dying
The calls of men huddled together around
The little light licking the mud from the sole candle
Surrounding bombardment from the right through the night
The black glare, it was death beginning to stare
The flickering of shots overhead, reflecting under the stars
A sound came to pound, wide awake nearly dead

Blogger BD said...

Things cold logically without a trace of fear
Intention, masked indifference, built up
Nothing televised, waiting for an ease
The cancer grows, replacing hope with disease
Not in these times, another world maybe
So close somehow, like a shattered nerve
For those yet to serve the reason
Will be lost in the way

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